Dundas Chart for ASP.NET
IChartType Interface Members
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Dundas.Charting.WebControl.ChartTypes Namespace : IChartType Interface

The following tables list the members exposed by IChartType.

Public Properties

  Name Description
 Property ApplyPaletteColorsToPoints True if palette colors should be applied for each data paoint. Otherwise the color is applied to the series.  
 Property CircularChartArea True if chart type requires circular chart area.  
 Property DataPointsInLegend True if each data point of a chart must be represented in the legend  
 Property ExtraYValuesConnectedToYAxis Indicates that extra Y values are connected to the scale of the Y axis  
 Property HundredPercent Indicates that it's a hundredred percent chart. Axis scale from 0 to 100 percent should be used.  
 Property HundredPercentSupportNegative Indicates that negative 100% stacked values are shown on the other side of the X axis  
 Property Name Chart type name  
 Property RequireAxes True if chart type supports axeses  
 Property SecondYScale Chart type with two y values used for scale ( bubble chart type )  
 Property SideBySideSeries True if chart series can be placed side-by-side.  
 Property Stacked True if chart type is stacked  
 Property StackSign True if stacked chart type should draw separately positive and negative data points ( Bar and column Stacked types ).  
 Property SupportLogarithmicAxes True if chart type supports logarithmic axes  
 Property SupportStackedGroups True if stacked chart type supports groups  
 Property SwitchValueAxes True if chart type requires to switch the value (Y) axes position  
 Property YValuesPerPoint Number of supported Y value(s) per point  
 Property ZeroCrossing If the crossing value is auto Crossing value should be automatically set to zero for some chart types (Bar, column, area etc.)  

Public Methods

  Name Description
 Method AddSmartLabelMarkerPositions Adds markers position to the list. Used to check SmartLabels overlapping.  
 Method GetImage Gets chart type image  
 Method GetLegendImageStyle How to draw series/points in legend: Filled rectangle, Line or Marker  
 Method GetYValue Helper function, which returns the Y value of the data point.  
 Method Paint Draw chart on specified chart graphics.  

See Also

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