Dundas Chart for ASP.NET
Dundas.Charting.WebControl.Design Namespace
See Also  Inheritance Hierarchy Send comments on this topic.


  Class Description
Class AnchorPointValueConverter Converts anchor data point to string name.
Class AnnotationAxisValueConverter Converts anchor data point to string name.
Class AxisElementIntervalValueConverter Converts Interval and IntervalOffset properties of the label style, tick marks and grids
Class AxisIntervalValueConverter Converts Interval and IntervalOffset properties of the axis
Class DoubleDateNanValueConverter Designer converter class Converts Double.NaN values to/from "Not set". Converts value to/from date strings.
Class DoubleNanValueConverter Designer converter class Converts Double.NaN values to/from "Not set".


  Interface Description
Interface DundasChartDesignerDataProvider Interface used from Wizard to obtain datasource and data.Cross Framework compatibility.
Interface IChartDataSourceProvider Interface which extends series and series collection in order to get a dataset with data points Used from DebuggerVisualizer in VS 2005

See Also

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