Dundas.SharePoint.Charting.WebParts Send comments on this topic.
Dundas.Charting.WebControl.Ajax.ASP Namespace
See Also  Inheritance Hierarchy


  Class Description
Class ColorSelectorDlg  
Class FontSelectDlg The FontSelectorDlgClassControl is an user control represents the font selector dialog
Class PropertyPages PropertyPages is the main container control which holds the property pages controls and has OK, Cancel, Apply buttons and top toolbar
Class PropertyPages3D PropertyPages3DClassControl is an user control for setup 3D appearance of the chart. Part of property pages.
Class PropertyPagesAppearance PropertyPagesAppearanceXXX is an user control for setup appearance of the different chart objects: chart, series, chartarea, legends and so on. Part of property pages.
Class PropertyPagesAxis PropertyPagesAxisClassControl is an user control which represents axis property page
Class PropertyPagesChart PropertyPagesChartClassControl is a class represents the chart property page.
Class PropertyPagesErrorBar PropertyPagesErrorBarXXX is an user control for setup error bar on one chart series
Class PropertyPagesFormulas PropertyPagesFormulasXXX is an user control for add or setup formula series on one chart series
Class PropertyPagesLabel PropertyPagesLabelClassControl is an user control for setup series labels
Class PropertyPagesLegend PropertyPagesLegendXXX is an user control for setup chart legend

See Also