Class |
Description |
AnimationBase |
Base class which represents information of custom animated types. |
AnimationCollection |
Animation collection. |
AnimationCollectionEditor |
Designer editor for the Animation Collection collection. |
AnimationElement |
Animation Element class. |
AnimationElementsCollection |
Animation elements collection. |
AnimationManager |
This class is main class for animation. It coordinates work of all animated elements and UI. |
AnimationType |
Base class for different animation type classes. |
Annotation |
Annotation is an abstract class that defines properties and methods common to all annotations. |
AnnotationCollection |
AnnotationCollection is a class that stores chart annotation objects. |
AnnotationGroup |
AnnotationGroup is a class that represents an annotation group. |
AnnotationPathPoint |
The AnnotationPathPoint class represents a path point of a polyline or polygon, and is stored in their PathPoints property, which is only available at design-time. |
AnnotationPathPointCollection |
AnnotationPathPointCollection is a collection of polyline annotation path points, and is only available via the PathPoints property at design-time. |
AnnotationSmartLabels |
AnnotationSmartLabels class provides SmartLabels functionality specific to the annotation objects. |
AnnotationSmartLabelsStyle |
The AnnotationSmartLabelsStyle class is used to store annotation smart labels attributes. |
AnovaResult |
AnovaResult class stores results of the Anova statistical calculations. |
ArrowAnnotation |
ArrowAnnotation is a class class that represents arrow annotation. |
Axis |
This class gives information to chart series about position in the chart area and keeps all necessary information about axes. |
AxisDataView |
AxisDataView class represents an axis data view. It allows to display only part of the avilable data. |
AxisLabels |
This class provides functionality for drawing axis labels. |
AxisScale |
This class keeps information about minimum, maximum and interval values and it is responsible for setting these values automatically. It also recalculates crossing logarithmic and reverse axis. |
AxisScaleBreakStyle |
AxisScaleBreakStyle class represents settings that control scale break feature. |
AxisScaleSegment |
AxisScaleSegment class represents a single segment of the axis with it's own scale and intervals. |
AxisScaleSegmentCollection |
AxisScaleSegmentCollection is a strongly typed collection of AxisScaleSegment objects. |
AxisScrollBar |
AxisScrollBar class represent axis scroolbar. It is exposed as ScrollBar property of the Axis class. It contains scrollbar appearance properties and drawing methods. |
Border3DAnnotation |
Border3DAnnotation is a class that represents an annotation with a 3D border. |
BorderSkinAttributes |
Drawing attributes of the 3D border skin. |
CalloutAnnotation |
CalloutAnnotation is a class class that represents callout annotation. |
Chart |
Summary description for enterprize chart control. |
Chart.ChartScrollEventArgs |
Chart scroll event arguments. |
ChartArea |
This class is used to create and display a chart area on the chart picture. The chart area is rectangle area on the chart picture, which has 4 axes, horizontal and vertical grids and different or same chart types. A Chart area can contain more than one different chart type. ChartArea class expose all the properties and methods of its base ChartArea3D class. |
ChartArea3D |
ChartArea3D class represents 3D chart area. It contains all the 3D scene settings and methods for drawing the 3D plotting area calculating the depth of chart elements and others. |
ChartArea3DStyle |
ChartArea3DStyleClass class represents chart area 3D settings like totation angles, perspective and others. |
ChartAreaAxes |
ChartAreaAxes class represents axes (X, Y, X2 and Y2) in the chart area. It contains methods that collect statistical information on data and other axes related methods. |
ChartAreaCollection |
ChartAreaCollection class represents a strongly typed collection of ChartArea objects. Each chart area has a unique name in the collection and can be retrieved by name or index. |
ChartCallbackManager |
ChartCallbackManager is a class exposed into the chart and handle with callbacks, chart viewstate, chart rendering in user interactive mode and contain several public methods for helping callback calls. |
ChartElement |
ChartElement class represents common properties for chart elements like legend, title, plotting are. It also contains helper methods used in most chart elements. |
ChartGraphics |
ChartGraphics class provides all chart drawing capabilities. It contains methods for drawing 2D primitives and also exposes all ChartGraphics3D class methods for 3D shapes. Only this class should be used for any drawing in the chart. |
ChartGraphics3D |
ChartGraphics3D class is 3D chart rendering engine. All chart 3D shapes are drawn in specific order so that correct Z order of all shapes is achieved. 3D graphics engine do not support shapes intersection. 3D shapes are transformed into one or more 2D shapes and then drawn with 2D chart graphics engine. |
ChartHttpHandler |
ChartHttpHandler.StorageSettings |
ChartImage |
ChartImage class adds image type and data binding functionality to the base ChartPicture class. |
ChartLicense |
Chart license |
ChartLicenseProvider |
License provide for the chart |
ChartPaintEventArgs |
Chart paint events arguments |
ChartPicture |
ChartPicture class represents chart content like legends, titles, chart areas and series. It provides methods for positioning and drawing all chart elements. |
ChartRenderingEngine |
ChartRenderingEngine class provides a common interface to the graphics rendering and animation engines. Internally it uses SvgChartGraphics, FlashGraphics or GdiGraphics classes depending on the ActiveRenderingType property settings. |
ChartSerializer |
ChartSerializer class provides chart serialization API. Depending on the Format property XmlFormatSerializer or BinaryFormatserializer classes will be used internally. |
ChartToolbar |
Represents a UI toolbar. This control can be used to modify options of an associated OlapChart component. |
ChartUI |
The ChartUI represents the Chart User Interface Manager. The Chart User Interface Manager provides the most common actions required by an end-user, such as switching from 2D/3D, color change, rotation and show/hide items like legends and grid. The major components which contain the ChartUI class are CommandCollection, ToolbarAttributes and ContextMenuAttributes. The Chart User Interface is active in Dundas Chart for Windows Froms and Internet SmartClient |
Command |
Commands are the basis for interactions with user-interface elements.
Each command contains a chart functionality that developers can utilize to build their own custom toolbar and/or context menu.
The type of command is determined by CommandType property. The Command has Parameters and can be executed by Execute method. |
Command.CommandCommandTypeConverter |
The Command.CommandType property TypeConverter |
Command.CommandImageValueEditor |
The Command.Image property value editor |
Command.CommandPropertyDescriptor |
Property descriptor with ability to dynamically change attributes of the base property descriptor object. |
Command.Converter |
The Command clas type Converter. |
Command.ItemsComparer |
IComparer implementation, used for table size calculations. The comparer compares Rectange structs where X is table width Y is table height Width is (X*Y) table area |
CommandCollection |
The CommandCollection represents collection of Command object instances. |
CommandElement |
The CommandElement object is a base object for all objects in ChartUI infrastructure which represents elements in collections. |
CommandElementCollection |
CommandElementCollection is a collection for CommandElement objects and it represents the base class for CommandCollection and CommandUIItemCollection. |
CommandElementCollectionEditor |
Provides a user interface that can edit command element collections at design time. |
CommandFiredArgs |
The CommandFiredArgs is a parameter of Chart.CommandFired event which is fired after executing a Command. |
CommandFiringArgs |
The CommandFiringArgs is a parameter of Chart.CommandFiring event which is fired just before executing a Command |
CommandResult |
The command result represents result of executing of a Command. The result contain IsSuccess which determines command exit state and Reason message which is shows reason for failing a command execution. |
CommandUI |
The CommandUI class is a link between a visual component and Chart Command. |
CommandUI.Converter |
Design time Converter class |
CommandUIItem |
The CommandUIItem represents one Chart Toolbar and Chart Context Menu Item. It is a member of CommandUIItemCollection. |
CommandUIItem.CommandUIItemNameTypeConverter |
Design time converter of CommandName property |
CommandUIItemCollection |
The CommandUIItemCollection represents Toolbar and ContextMenu items collection. |
CommandUIItemCommandEditor |
CommonElements |
CommonElements class provides references to common chart classes like DataManager, ChartTypeRegistry, ImageLoader and others. It is passed to different chart elements to simplify access to those common classes. |
ContextMenuAttributes |
Exposes chart context menu attributes. |
Cursor |
Cursor class is responsible for chart axes cursor and selection functionality. It contains properties which define visual appearance, position and behavior settings. It also contains methods for drawing cursor and selection in the plotting area. |
CustomAttributes |
Design-time representation of the CustomAttributes. This class is used instead of the string "CustomAttributes" property at design time and supports expandable list of custom attributes. |
CustomizeLegendEventArgs |
Chart legend customize events arguments |
CustomizeMapAreasEventArgs |
Chart map areas customize events arguments |
CustomLabel |
CustomLabel class represents a single custom axis label. Text and position along the axis is provided by the user. |
CustomLabelsCollection |
CustomLabelsCollection class is a strongly typed collection of custom axis labels. |
DataManipulator |
DataManipulator class is used at run-time to perform data manipulation operations, and is exposed using the DataManipulator property of the root Chart object. |
DataPoint |
Stores values and attributes of one Data Point in the Data series. |
DataPoint3D |
Class stores additional information about the data point in 3D space. |
DataPointAttributes |
Stores attributes of one Data Point and Data series. |
DataPointCollection |
Data points collection |
DataPointComparer |
Data points comparer class |
DynamicSessionManager |
Dynamic session manager |
EllipseAnnotation |
EllipseAnnotation is a class that represents an ellipse annotation. |
FadingAnimation |
Fading animation type. |
FinancialMarker |
FinancialMarker class contains properties which define marker visual appearance, style and its connection to the series data points. |
FinancialMarkersCollection |
FinancialMarkersCollection class is a strongly typed collection of FinancialMarker objects. FinancialMarkers class is used to perform all the calculations and drawing of the markers. |
FormulaData |
FormulaData class provides properties and methods, which prepare series data for technical analyses and time series and forecasting formulas and prepare output data to be displayed as a chart. Early version of the Chart control uses 'Formula' method which takes formula name as string parameter. Later all 'Formula' methods were depricated and replaced with 'FormulaFinancial' methods which take an enumeration as first parameter. |
FTestResult |
FTestResult class stores results of the FTest statistical calculations. |
Grid |
Grid class represents axis grid lines which are drawn in the plotting area. It contains grid interval and visual appearance properties. Class also contains methods for grid lines drawing. |
GrowingAnimation |
Growing animation type. |
HitTestResult |
This class is used as a result of hit test function |
HorizontalLineAnnotation |
HorizontalLineAnnotation is a class that represents a horizontal line annotation. |
HotRegion |
This class presents item in the collection of hot regions. |
HotRegionsList |
This class is used to fill and manage collection with Hot Regions |
ImageAnnotation |
ImageAnnotation is a class that represents image annotation. |
Label |
Label class contains properties which define visual appearance of the axis labels, their interval and position. This class is also responsible for calculating the position of all the labels and drawing them. |
Legend |
Legend class represents a single chart legend. It contains visual appearance, position and content properties. Legend class is also responible for drawing and positionning of the legend. |
LegendCell |
LegendCell class represents a single cell in the chart legend. Legend contains several legend items, each item contains several cells which form vertical columns. This class provide properties which determine content of the cell and its visual appearance. It also contains method which determine the size of the cell and draw cell in the chart. |
LegendCellCollection |
LegendCellCollection is a strongly typed collection of LegendCell objects. |
LegendCellColumn |
The LegendCellColumn class represents a cell column in a legend, used to extend the functionality of the default legend. It contains visual appearance properties, legend header settings and also determine how and in which order cells are formed for each of the legend items. |
LegendCellColumnCollection |
LegendCellColumnCollection is a strongly typed collection of LegendCellColumn objects. |
LegendCollection |
LegendCollection class is a strongly typed collection of legends. |
LegendItem |
LegendItem class presents a single item (row) in the legend. It contains properties which describe visual appearance and content of the legend item. |
LegendItemsCollection |
LegendItemsCollection class is a strongly typed collection of legend items. |
LineAnnotation |
LineAnnotation is a class that represents a line annotation. |
LoadStateEventArgs |
Provides data for the Chart.LoadState event. |
MapArea |
MapArea class represents an area of the chart with end-user interactivity like tooltip, HREF or custom attributes. |
MapAreasCollection |
MapAreasCollection class is a strongly typed collection of MapAreas |
Margins |
This class represents the margins for various chart elements. |
Matrix3D |
This class is responsible for all 3D coordinates transformations: Translation, Rotation, Scale, Perspective and RightAngle Projection. Translation and rotation are stored in composite matrix (mainMatrix), and scaling, projection and non-composite translation are stored in private fields. Matrix is initialized with Chart Area 3D cube, which is invisible boundary cube of 3D Chart area. The matrix has to be initialized every time when angles, position or perspective parameters are changed. Method TransformPoints will apply 3D Transformation on points using Initialization values: Main matrix and other initialization values. |
MovingAnimation |
Moving animation type. |
NamedImage |
NamedImage class stores a single Image with it's unique name. |
NamedImagesCollection |
NamedImagesCollection class is a strongly typed collection of NamedImage objects. It is exposed as Images chart root property. |
Point3D |
Point3D class represent point coordinates in 3D space. |
PolygonAnnotation |
PolygonAnnotation is a class that represents polygon annotation. |
PolylineAnnotation |
PolylineAnnotation is a class that represents a polyline annotation. |
RectangleAnnotation |
RectangleAnnotation is a class that represents a rectangle annotation. |
SaveStateEventArgs |
Provides data for the Chart.SaveState event. |
Series |
Stores data points and default series attributes. |
SeriesCollection |
Data series collection |
SeriesFormulaRegistry |
SeriesFormulaRegistry.FormulaInfo |
SmartLabels |
SmartLabels class implements the SmartLabels algorithm for the data series points. It keeps track of all labels drawn and detects their collisions. When labels collision is detected the algorithm tries to resolve it by repositioning the labels. If label can not be repositioned it maybe hidden depending on the current settings. |
SmartLabelsStyle |
SmartLabelsStyle class is used to enable and configure the SmartLabels algorithm for data point labels and annotations. In most of the cases it is enough just to enable the algorithm, but this class also contains properties which allow controlling how the labels are moved around to avoid collisions. Visual appearance of callouts can also be set through this class. |
Statistics |
Statistics class provides helper methods for statisctical calculations. Actual calculations are made in the FormulaData class and the Statistics class provide a simplified API which automatically prepares parameters and deals with input and output series. |
StripLine |
StripLine class contains properties which define visual appearance of the stripe or line, its position according to the axis and optionally may contain the repeat interval. Text maybe associated with a strip or line.It also contains methods of drawing and hit testing. |
StripLinesCollection |
StripLinesCollection class is a strongly typed collection of StripLine classes. |
SubAxis |
SubAxis class is derived from the main Axis class and provides additional axis associated with one of the main chart axis. |
SubAxisCollection |
SubAxisCollection is a strongly typed collection of chart sub-axes objects. Collection indexer can accept sub-axis index or it's unique name as a parameter. |
TextAnnotation |
TextAnnotation is a class that represents a text annotation. |
TickMark |
TickMark class represents axis tick marks which are drawn next to the axis line. TickMarks share many common propertie with the Grid class. Class also contains methods for tick marks drawing. |
Title |
Title class provides properties which define content, visual appearance and position of the single chart title. It also contains methods responsible for calculating title position, drawing and hit testing. |
TitleCollection |
TitleCollection class is a strongly typed collection of Title classes. Indexer of this collection can take title index (integer) or unique title name (string) as a parameter. |
ToolbarAttributes |
Exposes chart toolbar attributes. |
ToolbarAttributes.ButtonState |
TTestResult |
TTestResult class stores results of the TTest statistical calculations. |
VerticalLineAnnotation |
VerticalLineAnnotation is a class that represents a vertical line annotation. |
ViewEventArgs |
Axis data view position/size changing event arguments. |
ZTestResult |
ZTestResult class stores results of the ZTest statistical calculations. |