Visual Basic (Declaration) | |
Public Enum ChartCommandType Inherits Enum |
Visual Basic (Usage) | ![]() |
C# | |
public enum ChartCommandType : Enum |
Member | Description |
UserDefined | Empty command. Do nothing. |
Copy | Copies chart image and CSV data into clipboard. |
Paste | Pastes CSV data from clipboard, create new series |
Delete | Deletes selected object. |
LoadGroup | Loads chart template from file. |
LoadAppearance | Loads appearance part from chart template. |
LoadAll | Loads appearance part from chart template. |
ResetAppearance | Resets chart appearance. |
SaveGroup | Saves chart template to file. |
SaveImage | Saves chart image to file. |
SaveAppearance | Saves appearance to file. |
SaveAll | Saves chart template to file. |
PrintPreview | Shows print preview form. |
Prints the chart. | |
Properties | Edits element by property dialog. |
ToggleDataLabels | Shows/hides data labels |
ToggleLegend | Shows/hides the legend |
Toggle3DGroup | Toggles 3D mode, group command |
Toggle3D | Toggles 3D mode |
Toggle3DClustered | Toggles 3D Clustering |
Toggle3DRightAngle | Toggle 3D right angle |
Rotate3DGroup | Performs rotating of the chart |
RotateLeft | Performs rotating of the chart |
RotateRight | Performs rotating of the chart |
RotateUp | Performs rotating of the chart |
RotateDown | Performs rotating of the chart |
Modify3DPointGapGroup | Inrease/decrease 3D point gap. |
Modify3DPointGapInc | Inrease 3D point gap. |
Modify3DPointGapDec | Decrease 3D point gap. |
Modify3DPointDepthGroup | Increase/decrease 3D point depth |
Modify3DPointDepthInc | Increase 3D point depth |
Modify3DPointDepthDec | Decrease 3D point depth |
Modify3DPerspectiveGroup | Increase/decrease 3D perspective |
Modify3DPerspectiveInc | Increase 3D perspective |
Modify3DPerspectiveDec | Decrease 3D perspective |
SelectChartGroup | Changes series chart type. |
SelectChartPoint | Point chart type. |
SelectChartBubble | Bubble chart type. |
SelectChartLine | Line chart type. |
SelectChartSpline | Spline chart type. |
SelectChartStepLine | StepLine chart type. |
SelectChartFastLine | FastLine chart type. |
SelectChartFastPoint | FastPoint chart type. |
SelectChartBar | Bar chart type. |
SelectChartStackedBar | Stacked bar chart type. |
SelectChartStackedBar100 | Hundred percent stacked bar chart type. |
SelectChartColumn | Column chart type. |
SelectChartStackedColumn | Stacked column chart type. |
SelectChartStackedColumn100 | Hundred percent stacked column chart type. |
SelectChartArea | Area chart type. |
SelectChartSplineArea | Spline area chart type. |
SelectChartStackedArea | Stacked area chart type. |
SelectChartStackedArea100 | Hundred percent stacked area chart type. |
SelectChartPie | Pie chart type. |
SelectChartDoughnut | Doughnut chart type. |
SelectChartStock | Stock chart type. |
SelectChartCandleStick | CandleStick chart type. |
SelectChartRange | Range chart type. |
SelectChartSplineRange | Spline range chart type. |
SelectChartGantt | Gantt chart type. |
SelectChartRangeColumn | Range column chart type. |
SelectChartRadar | Radar chart type. |
SelectChartPolar | Polar chart type. |
SelectChartBoxPlot | Box plot chart type. |
SelectChartRenko | Renko chart type. |
SelectChartThreeLineBreak | ThreeLineBreak chart type. |
SelectChartKagi | Kagi chart type. |
SelectChartPointAndFigure | PointAndFigure chart type. |
SelectChartFunnel | Funnel chart type. |
SelectChartPyramid | Pyramid chart type. |
SelectChartRose | |
SelectChartStackedRose | |
SelectPaletteGroup | Palette not set. |
SelectPaletteDefault | Default palette. |
SelectPaletteLightSteelBlue | Palette with Light style colors. |
SelectPaletteEarthTones | Palette with Earth Tones style colors. |
SelectPaletteGrayScale | Palette with gray scale colors. |
SelectPaletteSemiTransparent | Palette with Semi Transparent style colors. |
SelectPaletteExcelLike | Palette with Excel style colors. |
SelectPaletteLightBeige | Palette with Light style colors. |
SelectPaletteBerry | Palette with Berry style colors. |
SelectPaletteChocolate | Palette with Chocolate style colors. |
SelectPaletteFire | Palette with Fire style colors. |
SelectPaletteGreenBlue | Palette with GreenBlue style colors. |
SelectPaletteDundas | Palette with Dundas style colors. |
SelectPaletteAcidWash | Palette with Acid Wash style colors. |
SelectPaletteDundasDark | Palette with Dundas Dark style colors. |
SelectPaletteArtDeco | Palette with Art Deco style colors. |
SelectPaletteKindergarten | Palette with Kinder garten style colors. |
SelectPaletteMilkShake | Palette with Milk Shake style colors. |
SelectPaletteMidDay | Palette with Mid Day style colors. |
SelectPaletteRainbowVapors | Palette with Rainbow Vapors style colors. |
SelectPaletteTanzanite | Palette with Tanzanite style colors. |
SelectPaletteTan | Palette with Tan style colors. |
SelectPaletteVegas | Palette with Vegas style colors. |
SelectPaletteWaterLilies | Palette with Water Liles style colors. |
Separator | Represents separator in menus or toolbox. |
Spacer | Represents space in the toolbox. |
AddAnnotationGroup | Adds an annotation. Group command. |
AddCalloutAnnotation | Adds callout annotation |
AddArrowAnnotation | Adds Arrow annotation |
AddBorder3DAnnotation | Adds border 3D annotation |
AddTextAnnotation | Adds text annotation |
AddRectangleAnnotation | Adds rectangle annotation |
AddEllipseAnnotation | Adds ellipse annotation |
AddPolylineAnnotation | Adds polyline annotation |
AddPolygonAnnotation | Adds polygon annotation |
AddLineAnnotation | Adds line annotation |
AddVerticalLineAnnotation | Adds vertical line annotation |
AddHorizontalLineAnnotation | Adds Horizontal line annotation |
SendToBack | Sends annotation or series to back. |
BringToFront | Sends annotation or series to front |
ToggleMinorGridLines | Shows/hides axis grid lines |
ToggleMajorGridLines | Shows/hides axis grid lines |
ToggleReverseAxes | Reverses axes. |
ToggleInterlacedAxes | Reverses axes. |
FinancialIndicatorsGroup | Financial Inficators Command Group |
MovingAverage | Moving average command type |
ExponentialMovingAverage | Exponential Moving Average command type |
TriangularMovingAverage | Triangular Moving Average command type |
WeightedMovingAverage | Weighted Moving Average command type |
TypicalPrice | Typical Price command type |
MedianPrice | Median Price command type |
WeightedClose | Weighted Close command type |
Envelopes | Envelopes command type |
BollingerBands | BollingerBands command type |
ErrorBar | ErrorBar command type |
Forecasting | Forecasting command type |
Target Platforms: Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows 2000, Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 family, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 family