Class Line

  extended by com.aspose.pdf.elements.Shape
      extended by com.aspose.pdf.elements.Line

public class Line
extends Shape

Represents a line Shape in a Graph.

Constructor Summary
Line(float[] posArray)
          Initialize a new instance of the Line class.
Line(java.lang.String posArray)
          Initialize a new instance of the Line class.
Method Summary
 float[] getPosArray()
          Gets a PositionArray object that indicates the position array.
The array is composed by coordinates of each control point of the line.
 void setPosArray(float[] posArray)
          Sets a PositionArray object that indicates the position array.
The array is composed by coordinates of each control point of the line.
Methods inherited from class com.aspose.pdf.elements.Shape
getGraphInfo, getID, setGraphInfo, setID
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Line(float[] posArray)
Initialize a new instance of the Line class.


public Line(java.lang.String posArray)
Initialize a new instance of the Line class.

Method Detail


public float[] getPosArray()
Gets a PositionArray object that indicates the position array.
The array is composed by coordinates of each control point of the line.

Returns the posArray.


public void setPosArray(float[] posArray)
Sets a PositionArray object that indicates the position array.
The array is composed by coordinates of each control point of the line.

posArray - The posArray to set.