Package com.aspose.pdf.elements

Pdf Element classes used to create pdf document.


Class Summary
ActionType Represents an action type to occur whenever the some condition is satisfied.
AlignmentType Enumerates the alignment types.
AnnotationIconType Enumerates the annotation icon types.
Arc Represents an arc Shape in a Graph.
Attachment Represents an annotation Paragraph in a Pdf document.
AttachmentType Enumerates the attachment types.
BorderInfo Encapsulates the border info for the Table, Row and Cell.
BorderSide Enumerates the border sides.
BorderType Enumerates the border type.
Cell Represents a cell in a Table.
Cells Represents a collection of Cell objects.
Circle Represents a circle Shape in a Graph.
CmykColorSpace Represents the CMYK colorspace.
Color Represents the colorspaces used in Aspose.Pdf including RgbColorSpace,GrayColorSpace and CmykColorSpace.
ColumnInfo Encapsulates info for page columns.
Curve Represents a curve Shape in a Graph.
DestinationType Enumerates the destination types for internal and external links.
ElementFactory Encapsulats a factory that make DOM elements.
FileIconType Enumerates the file icon types.
Graph Represents a graph Paragraph.
GraphInfo Encapsulates info for a Graph paragraph.
GrayColorSpace Encapsulates the Gray colorspace.
HeaderFooter Represents a header or footer of a page in a Pdf document.
HeaderFooterType Enumerates all header or footer types.
Heading Represents a heading in Pdf document.
HeadingInfo Encapsulates heading info.
HeadingType Enumerates the heading types.
HyperLink Represents a link in a Pdf document.
HyperLinkToFile Represents a link in a Pdf document to another file(commonly none pdf file).
HyperLinkToLocalPdf Represents a link in a Pdf document that links to local pdf.
HyperLinkToOuterPdf Represents a link in a Pdf document that links to another pdf file.
HyperLinkToWeb Represents a link in a Pdf document that links to web.
Image Represents an image Paragraph in a Pdf document.
ImageFileType Enumerates the image file types.
ImageInfo Encapsulates info for an Image paragraph.
ImageOpenType Enumerates the image open types.
JavaScript Represents a JavaScript in Pdf document.
JavaScripts Represents a collection of JavaScript objects.
Line Represents a line Shape in a Graph.
LineStyleType Encapsulates info about line such as solid, dotted, dashed etc.
List Represents a List paragraph in pdf.
ListSection Represents a ListSection in pdf document.
MarginInfo Encapsulates margin info.
OpenType Enumerates the document open types.
PageSetup Encapsulates info for page setup.
PageSize Encapsulates predefined page sizes, including A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, B5, Letter, Legal, Ledger and P11x17.
PageTransitionType Enumerates transition types for page transition effects when revealing the new page.
Paragraph Represents a paragraph object.
Paragraphs Represents a collection of Paragraph objects.
Pdf Represents the Pdf document.
PdfElementBase Base class of all pdf element.
Rectangle Represents a rectangle Shape in a Pdf document.
RectData Represents a rectangle data structure which specifies the low-left and up-right coordinates.
RenderingMode Enumerates text rendering modes.
RgbColorSpace Represents a Color object that indicates the RGB colorspace.
Row Repserents a row in a Table.
Rows Represents a collection of Row objects.
Section Represents a section in a Pdf document.
Sections Represents a collection of Section objects.
Security Encapsulates information used in pdf Security.
Segment Represents a segment in a Text paragraph.
Segments Represents a collection of Segment objects.
Shape Represents a generic shape.
Shapes Represents a collection of Shape objects.
Table Represents a table Paragraph in a Pdf document.
Text Represents a text Paragraph in a Pdf document.
TextInfo Encapsulates info for a Text paragraph.
VerticalAlignmentType Enumerates the vertiacl alignment types.

Package com.aspose.pdf.elements Description

Pdf Element classes used to create pdf document.