Package com.aspose.pdf.exception

Exceptions throwd in pdf creating procedure.


Class Summary
AsposeErrorInfo Encapsulates error code and message in pdf create procedure.

Exception Summary
AsposeBadURLException Encapsulates exception throwed when FO error happened.
AsposeBaseException Represents the base exception class of aspose exception.
AsposeCloneNotSupportedException Encapsulates an exeption throwed when clone operation is not supported.
AsposeCreateAttrException Encapsulates an exeption throwed when exception happened at DOM create an attribute node.
AsposeCreateElementException Encapsulates an exeption throwed when exception happened at DOM create a node.
AsposeFOException Encapsulates exception throwed when FO error happened.
AsposeGenPdfException Encapsulates exception throwed when FO error happened.
AsposeInitException Encapsulates exception throwed when init a pdf element.
AsposeIOException Encapsulates exception throwed when IO Exception happened.

Package com.aspose.pdf.exception Description

Exceptions throwd in pdf creating procedure.